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Shine Australia One (Shine)

A pipeline of development solar assets in Australia 

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Shine Australia One Ltd is a development company that was set up to capitalise on the clear opportunities present in the Australian solar market. Specifically, Shine Australia One Ltd has funded the development of projects, with over 40 projects identified to be developed in around 48 months. Shine Australia commits to funding to the projects only when a lease option has been signed with a land owner, and works with our development partners to progress them all the way to ready to build status.


Individual projects are in the range of 5MW and are connected to the local distribution network, rather than the long-distance transmission network, which is more cost effective.


The scale of each project is designed to match current and projected future demands for electricity (e.g. residential, commercial, industrial) within a given community. This means that the clean energy generated will be used locally. When choosing sites, we consider a variety of factors, including proximity to good quality network infrastructure, Council and State zoning restrictions, topography, and vegetation. Road access and availability of labour are also important considerations.

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Why Australia?


Reason 1: Growth in Solar deployment

Installed capacity from all energy sources in Australia is expected to grow from 75GW in 2019 to 190GW by 2050 of which renewable capacity is set to grow from 15 GW to over 160GW. Solar will be the driving force of this change making up over 40% of total capacity by 2050.


Reason 2: High Irradiation and Untapped Potential

Studies define the most favourable belt for solar energy production to be between 15°N/S and 35°N/S. These regions have the greatest amount of solar radiation, more than 90% of which falls directly because of limited cloud coverage and rainfall.

Almost 90% of Australia's territory lies perfectly within the latitudes of 15°S and 35°S, meaning that it is one of the few countries that lie almost entirely within the most favourable sun belt on the planet. 


Reason 3: Sizeable Peak Demand and High Energy Pricing

Australia has a high price for electricity, when combined with high irradiation, this representing a very favourable opportunity for solar development. Average prices in New South Wales in 2019 were 38.6c per Kwh which is higher than the European average. With a strong manufacturing/industry fuelled economy and a sizeable peak demand in summer, due to energy intensive cooling and air conditioning systems, that matches perfectly with peak solar generation. The Australian market for the sale of solar electricity is divided into two specific routes and the expected IRR for any project is determined by which route or blend of them is chosen to sell the generated electricity.



An average Shine solar project:

4.99MWp connection


years of generation


ha of land 


GW generated pa


solar panels


tCO2e avoided per year


homes powered

In focus: New South Wales



Canigou in our subsidiary Shine Australia One are developing town-scale solar farm projects around regional Australia Individual projects are in the range of 5MWp and are connected to the local distribution network, rather than the long-distance transmission network, which is more cost effective. 


The scale of each project is designed to match current and projected future demands for electricity (e.g. residential, commercial, industrial) within a given community. This means that the clean energy generated will be used locally. When choosing sites, we consider a variety of factors, including proximity to good quality network infrastructure, Council and State zoning restrictions, topography, and vegetation. Road access and availability of labour are also important considerations. 




primary project focus

secondary project focus  

Meet our Project Manager


Craig Copeland

Project Manager Shine and CASE

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If you would like to speak to Craig in relation to the Shine or CASE projects in Australia please email him at

Craig heads up our Australian projects and is Managing Director of Shine Australia One Ltd, our development subsidiary. He is based in Hong Kong with frequent travel to Australia.


Prior to working at Canigou Capital, Craig was a Director at Carbon Minded, a low carbon advisory company. He has 19 years’ experience in financial modelling and project management, with the last 15 years focused on the low carbon industry, he is also a qualified Barrister. He began his career in urban regeneration in the Chief Executive’s Office of Gateshead Council and is a former associate of the Policy and Research Group at St Chad’s College, Durham University, where he advised local governments and two Regional Development Agencies on the large scale development, funding and deployment of renewables and energy efficiency projects in the region. Until 2015 he was a Partner at Thurelstone Capital where he developed solutions for renewable energy projects across all proven technologies in the commercial and domestic sectors.


His projects included the development of a £250m private equity solution for delivery of the Green Deal with a national provider of energy efficiency advice, £250m private equity solar development in the UK, a solar feasibility study for the Palace of Westminster, work for the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Department of Energy and Climate Change, the Department of Transport, the British Embassy in Brazil, and Brazil’s Energy Planning Agency. He also has extensive multi- jurisdictional, multi-team, project management experience having overseen multi- million pound low carbon EU funded projects with responsibility for management of project teams and co-ordination with project partners in the UK, Denmark, the Netherlands.





© 2020 Canigou Capital. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Canigou Capital is a group of companies with registered limited liability entities in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong. The reference to Canigou Capital can mean either or both entities. Canigou Capital Limited, UK company number 08857762, Leadenhall Building, 122, Leadenhall Street, London, England, EC3V 4AB. Canigou Capital Holdings Limited, HK company number 2947475, 17 Floor Tower One Lippo Building 89 Queensway, Hong Kong.


Canigou Capital est un groupe de sociétés à responsabilité limitée enregistrées au Royaume-Uni et à Hong Kong. La référence à Canigou Capital peut signifier l'une ou l'autre ou les deux entités. Canigou Capital Limited, numéro d'entreprise britannique 08857762, Leadenhall Building, 122, Leadenhall Street, Londres, Angleterre, EC3V 4AB. Canigou Capital Holdings Limited, société HK numéro 2947475, 17 Floor Tower One Lippo Building 89 Queensway, Hong Kong.


Tel: 020 3925 0906 




To download the canigou brochure in English click here


To download the canigou brochure in French click here


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