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Canigou Solar

Developing projects on 3 continents

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Canigou Capital has specialised in solar projects for years and we currently have multiple projects in development stages. Solar power is a key player globally in countries reducing their carbon emissions. Solar projects vary in type, size and technology. At Canigou Capital we generally specialise in larger projects, such as ground mounted solar. We are also interested in innovative solar projects such as floating solar or large-scale rooftop solar often seen in industrial zones.


These types of project can produce enough electricity to contribute to the national grid, in doing so supporting the local community. Governments generally encourage solar projects and in many developed countries they are working towards making more rural areas, where solar projects can thrive, better connected to the national grid. This means that the infrastructure will be in place, where it hasn’t been before, in order for solar projects to expand.


Our solar projects normally run on a 25-year lease and once constructed require very little maintenance. The solar panels convert the light from the sun into electricity via photovoltaic cells. This electricity is then passed through a generator straight into the national grid, allowing counties to supplement their electricity supply with green energy. In countries such as France this means that they can begin to shut down nuclear power stations, hence reducing their carbon emissions. In other countries such as Australia, the infrastructure in rural areas is allowing huge projects to be placed where previously there was no way to connect the solar panels to the national grid.

Our Solar Projects

details of our projects can be found below


Solar Energy

Shine Australia One

Shine Australia One is a development company that was set up to capitalise on the clear opportunities present in the Australian solar market. Specifically, Shine Australia One Ltd has funded the development of projects, with over 40 projects identified to be developed in around 48 months. Shine Australia commits to funding to the projects only when a lease option has been signed with a land owner, and works with our development partners to progress them all the way to ready to build status.

Solar Energy

Shine France

Shine FSD is a company set up to capitalise on the clear opportunities  present in the French solar market. Specifically, Shine FSD Ltd has established a local development team and we will develop  a minimum of four projects. We will commit funding to the projects only when a lease  option has been agreed with a land owner,  and we will work to progress them all the way  to ready-to-build status.

Solar Energy

CASE Australia

CASE has identified an opportunity to develop c140 MW solar production by consolidating 22 ready to build solar projects of 4.99MW (AC) in a single energy sales market with identical legal structure SPVs, operating with a single development partner, consistent optimised solar designs and a portfolio level EPC contractor delivering the build and the operations & management. This will deliver a uniform and de-risked portfolio of 22 solar assets over a 36 month timeline.

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