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Shine France (FSD)

A pipeline of development solar assets in France

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Shine FSD Ltd is a company set up to capitalise on the clear opportunities  present in the French solar market. 

Specifically, Shine FSD Ltd has established a  local development team and we will develop  a minimum of four 

projects. We will commit  funding tothe projects only when a lease  option has been agreed with a land owner,  and we will work to progress them all the way  to ready-to-build status.


The estimated time to complete a minimum  of 6 projects is 24 – 36 months.


Shine FSD Ltd’s local team are continually identifying sites for  potential solar farms. Their work includes liaising 

with private and corporate landowners, initial desktop studies to establish distances to electricity sub-stations and capacity, and liaising with the local  community to ensure local engagement.


After the initial search has been carried out, our engineering partner Tecsol will be engaged to begin the formal in-depth process  outlining environmental issues, grid connectivity, public engagement  and planning submission.

After all permits have been established and relevant contracting  parties informed the project will be ready to build.


Why France?


Reason 1: Attractive financial stability In the most recent renewable energy country attractiveness index produced annually by EY, France  has been ranked third in the world (out of forty)behind the US and China, with 650MW of ground  solar being awarded long term power purchase agreements by the French Government in the last  auctionround of April 2020 with an average selling price for power of €62.11/MWh and an average  of €62.14 across the last seven rounds. Innovationsolar, of which floating solar is considered as part  of, commanded a price of €82.8/MWh. In addition to this an extra 312MW of solar was awarded in  specific tenders and over the next five years France aims to tender and additional 10GW of ground based solar.


Reason 2: Strong policy and incentives

The Multiannual Energy Programme (Programmation Pluriannuelle de l’Energie (PPE)) a ten year trajectory statement issued in  November 2018 bythe French Government is intent on reducing fossil fuel consumption and provide a clear, fair and sustainable  transition for all. It is aiming to establish 35.6GW of solar power by 2028, from a current size of 10GW which was achieved in Q1  2020. Incentives are in place to promotedevelopment on brown field sites, commercial and industrial enterprise zones and public  institutions with a further strong emphasis beingplaced in rural areas. All new retail developments where solar shading is provided  for parking must now support solar pv. In total €71 billion of support is intended for the increase of renewable energy (electricity,  biogas and renewable heat) up to 2028. 


The government is keeping to its commitment to diversify the energy mix and reduce nuclear energy to 50% by 2035, with ¼ of all  currently operational reactors being shut down by then as stated in the PPE2. The most recent reactors to be closed are the two  reactors at Fessenheim in the Haut Rhin (February and June 2020) and to date 180MW of solar has been dedicated to reactors former  site with another tranche of 120MW at the end of July. This is still far short of the reactors generating plate value of 1840MW but it  shows the significance 

and dedication by the government to scale back nuclear and replace with greener technologies. EDF has been asked to propose ways implement the challenges being faced by the PPE by safeguarding the groups integrity and  providing adequate funding to meet the outlined commitments. In the period from 2017 to 2020 RTE3 has invested €35 million a year  on R&D allowing optimal griddevelopment and grid infrastructure evolution for the transition programme.


Reason 3: Size and innovation

The Government auctions for power purchase agreements for solar farms dictate an upper size of 30MW per site which in turn promotes favourable  planning applications. Auction prices are reflected in the type of renewable energy deployed and the sizes permitted. France is alsopromoting the development  of innovative solar projects from the use in viticulture4 (leading to reduced water loss and improved quality of thevines) and floating solar projects, which has a  potential of up to 20GW spread over approximately 1300 sites consisting of primarily old industrialsites, dams and reservoirs.



An average FSD solar project:

10MWp connection


years of generation


ha of land 


GW generated pa


solar panels


tCO2e avoided per year


homes powered

In focus: Our French Partner - Tecsol


Founded 35 years ago in Perpignan, TECSOL is an innovative technology company that operates in all sectors of solar energy (solar thermal, photovoltaic, self-consumption).


From its foundation, the convergence of digital technology and solar energy has been a strong focus of its research and development policy. This choice is proving to be very relevant today at a time when digital technology is invading all sectors of society.


In addition to the development and fine-tuning of innovative processes (guarantee of solar results, supervision of installations, etc.), TECSOL derives its reputation from its activity as an independent technical design office. Over the years, the largest companies and communities of all kinds have placed their trust in the know-how and availability of the 45 TECSOL employees.



secondary project focus  

primary project focus

Meet our Project Manager

Ashton Shuttleworth

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Project Manager 

Shine France

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If you would like to speak to Ashton in relation to the Shine projects in France please email him at

Ashton heads up our French solar projects. He is based in Pau, in the South of France.


Ashton has over 20 years experience in the field of renewable energy and clean technology as an analyst, consultant, investor and more recently developer. 


His skills stem from an MSc in environmental Technology (Imperial College, London) and working with companies such as KPMG, Dresdner and an array of smaller boutique consultancies and advisory firms. He has lived in SW France with his family for the past 6 years.




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